Free notebooks were distributed equally among children of a class. The number of notebooks each child got was one-eighth of the number of children. Had the number of children been half, each child would have got 16 notebooks. Total how many notebooks were distributed ?

  • 1256
  • 2432
  • 3512
  • 4640
Answer:- 1

Explaination 1
Let number of children=nThen, number of books each child will get =n8Total books distributed=n×n8=n28If the number children=n2,number of books each child will get=16Total books distributed =n2×16=8n n28=8nn8=8n=64Total number of books distributed=8n=8×64=512

Explaination 2
If number of children was half, each child would have got 16 books.
Therefore, actually each child got
= 8 Books And the number of children is 8 × 8 = 64
Hence, total number of books distributed = 64 × 8 = 512

Explaination 3
Let number of children

Then, number of books each child will get

If the number children
number of books each child will get

More children, less books (indirect proportion). Therefore,

Therefore, total number of books distributed
=8n = 8×64 = 512

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Explaination 2
If number of children was half, each child would have got 16 books.
Therefore, actually each child got
= 8 Books And the number of children is 8 × 8 = 64
Hence, total number of books distributed = 64 × 8 = 512

Explaination 3
Let number of children

Then, number of books each child will get

If the number children
number of books each child will get

More children, less books (indirect proportion). Therefore,

Therefore, total number of books distributed
=8n = 8×64 = 512 ", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Nitin Sir" } }, "suggestedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "
Explaination 1
Let number of children=nThen, number of books each child will get =n8Total books distributed=n×n8=n28If the number children=n2,number of books each child will get=16Total books distributed =n2×16=8n n28=8nn8=8n=64Total number of books distributed=8n=8×64=512

Explaination 2
If number of children was half, each child would have got 16 books.
Therefore, actually each child got
= 8 Books And the number of children is 8 × 8 = 64
Hence, total number of books distributed = 64 × 8 = 512

Explaination 3
Let number of children

Then, number of books each child will get

If the number children
number of books each child will get

More children, less books (indirect proportion). Therefore,

Therefore, total number of books distributed
=8n = 8×64 = 512 ", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM" } }