Where was the country's biggest sculpture, stucco figurine from buddhist site excavated by Indian archaeologists recently?

  • 1Belegali in Hubli, Karnataka
  • 2Phanigiri in Suryapet, Telangana
  • 3Maniyoor in Kannur, Kerala
  • 4Chandur in Belgaum, Karnataka
Answer:- 2

Indian archaeologists recently unearthed a life-sized stucco sculpture from a Buddhist site at Phanigiri in Suryapet, Telangana. As per heritage department officials, it represents one of Bhodhisattva in Jathaka Chakra.This is the largest stucco sculpture found from India till date. The sculpture is about 1.73 metres in height and 35 cm in width.It is considered to have been built at at peak of Ikshavaku dynasty.The preliminary excavation at Phanigiri was started by archaeological department official Khaja Muhammad Ahmad in 1941.

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