Which Indian personality has been elected external auditor of WHO?

  • 1Pramod Kumar Misra
  • 2Rajiv Mehrishi
  • 3Achal Kumar Jyoti
  • 4Aruna Sundararajan
Answer:- 2

Rajiv Mehrishi, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of Indiam has been elected as external auditor of the World Health Organization (WHO) for four years from 2020 to 2023. He was elected at the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva in May 2019. This is the second major international audit assignment for the CAG this year following his selection for the post of External Auditor of Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome earlier this year in March 2019. Currently, Mehrishi is also on the Board of Auditors of the United Nations and Vice-Chair of the UN Panel of External Auditors.

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