South Korean tech giant Samsung, has unveiled two apps namely "Good Vibes" a communication tool for deaf and blind people and "Relumino" that helps the visually impaired people to see the images clearer. Good Vibes: It was developed in partnership with the Non-Profit Organisation(NPO) Sense India, and uses Morse code that converts vibrations into text and vice versa, where a deaf-blind person can communicate with the help of dots and dash combinations to send messages. Relumino app: It was developed by the Samsung employees in the global C-Lab programme in partnership with the National Association for the Blind (NAB), Delhi. The NAB will make use of this relumino in classrooms for students with low vision. This is expected to be a revolutionary move in communication to help the 253 million visually impaired people, 217 low vision people and 14million blind people as per 2017 data released by the World Health Organisation(WHO) of which there are about 5,00,000 deafblind people in India.
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