Completing Statements
1.Despite his best efforts to conceal his anger ......

Answer:Option 4


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2.Even if it rains I shall come means ......

Answer:Option 3


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3.His appearance is unsmiling but ......

Answer:Option 1


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4.She never visits any zoo because she is strong opponent of the idea of ......

Answer:Option 4


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5.I felt somewhat more relaxed ......

Answer:Option 4

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6.It is not easy to remain tranquil when those around you ......

Answer:Option 3

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7."The food in this hotel is no match to what were forced at late hours in Hotel Kohinoor " means ......

Answer:Option 2

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8.Although initial investigations pointed towards him ......

Answer:Option 4

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9.The weather outside was extremely pleasant and hence we decided to ......

Answer:Option 3


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10."It is an uphill task but you will have to do it" means ......

Answer:Option 3


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