In terms of percentage profit which is the best transaction ?
  C.P. (in Rs.) Profit (in Rs.)
i. 36 17
ii. 50 24
iii. 40 19
iv. 60 29

  • 1i
  • 2ii
  • 3iii
  • 4iv
Answer:- 4

In such type of pattern based question adopt option approach,
1st → Check largest value of cost price
2nd → Check smallest value of cost price
mark the answer which is greatest. Option D1st2960×100=48.33Option A2nd1736×100=47.22(wrong)

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", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Nitin Sir" } }, "suggestedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "
In such type of pattern based question adopt option approach,
1st → Check largest value of cost price
2nd → Check smallest value of cost price
mark the answer which is greatest. Option D1st2960×100=48.33Option A2nd1736×100=47.22(wrong) ", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM" } }