let the M.P. of an article be Rs. 100. We may calculate the final price of this article under each of the three offers:
i. Final Price = 85% of 75% of Rs. 100
= Rs.(85100×75100×100)=Rs. 63.75
ii. Final price = 90% of 70% of Rs. 100
= Rs.(90100×70100×100)=Rs. 63.
iii. Final price = 95% of 65% of Rs. 100
= Rs.(95100×65100×100)=Rs. 61.75.
The final price is lowest in (iii). So, it is the best offer.
ii. Final price = 90% of 70% of Rs. 100
= Rs.(90100×70100×100)=Rs. 63.
iii. Final price = 95% of 65% of Rs. 100
= Rs.(95100×65100×100)=Rs. 61.75.
The final price is lowest in (iii). So, it is the best offer.
"dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM",
"author": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Nitin Sir"
"suggestedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "
let the M.P. of an article be Rs. 100. We may calculate the final price of this article under each of the three offers:
i. Final Price = 85% of 75% of Rs. 100
= Rs.(85100×75100×100)=Rs. 63.75
ii. Final price = 90% of 70% of Rs. 100
= Rs.(90100×70100×100)=Rs. 63.
iii. Final price = 95% of 65% of Rs. 100
= Rs.(95100×65100×100)=Rs. 61.75.
The final price is lowest in (iii). So, it is the best offer.
"dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM"
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