Two train 100 meters and 95 meters long respectively pass each other in 27 seconds, when they run in the same direction and in 9 seconds when they run in opposite directions. Speed of the two trains are?

  • 144 km/hr, 22 km/hr
  • 252 km/hr, 26 km/hr
  • 336 km/hr, 18 km/hr
  • 440 km/hr, 20 km/hr
Answer:- 1

Let the speed of first train be S1 km/hr and speed of second trainis S2km/hr As we know,Time  = total distancerelative speed in same/opposite directionIn the same direction27 sec = (100+95)( S1 S2)×51827=195×18( S1 S2)×5 S1 S2=26.......................(i)In the opposite direction,9=(100+95)( S1 + S2)×5189=195×18( S1 + S2)×5 S1 + S2=39+2 S1 + S2=78From equation (i) and (ii) S1 S2=26 S1 + S2=78 S1=26782 S1=1042 S1 = 52 km/hr and S2 = 26 km/hr

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", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Nitin Sir" } }, "suggestedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "
Let the speed of first train be S1 km/hr and speed of second trainis S2km/hr As we know,Time  = total distancerelative speed in same/opposite directionIn the same direction27 sec = (100+95)( S1 S2)×51827=195×18( S1 S2)×5 S1 S2=26.......................(i)In the opposite direction,9=(100+95)( S1 + S2)×5189=195×18( S1 + S2)×5 S1 + S2=39+2 S1 + S2=78From equation (i) and (ii) S1 S2=26 S1 + S2=78 S1=26782 S1=1042 S1 = 52 km/hr and S2 = 26 km/hr
", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM" } }