The number of digits in 49×517,when expressed in usual form, is - The number of digits in 49×517,when expressed in usual form, is - \eqalign{ & {\text{The number of digits in }}{{\text{4}}^9} \times {{\text{5}}^{17}}{\text{,}} \cr & {\text{when expressed in usual form, is - }} \cr} " /> The number of digits in 49×517,when expressed in usual form, is - The number of digits in 49×517,when expressed in usual form, is - \eqalign{ & {\text{The number of digits in }}{{\text{4}}^9} \times {{\text{5}}^{17}}{\text{,}} \cr & {\text{when expressed in usual form, is - }} \cr} " /> The number of digits in 49×517,when expressed in usual form, is - The number of digits in 49×517,when expressed in usual form, is - \eqalign{ & {\text{The number of digits in }}{{\text{4}}^9} \times {{\text{5}}^{17}}{\text{,}} \cr & {\text{when expressed in usual form, is - }} \cr} " />

The number of digits in 49×517,when expressed in usual form, is - 

  • 116
  • 217
  • 318
  • 419
Answer:- 1

log(49×517)=log(49)+log(517)=log(22)9+log(517)=log(218)+log(517)=18log2+17log5=18log2+17(log10log2)=18log2+17log1017log2=log2+17log10=0.3010+17×1=17.3010characteristic=17,Hence, the number of digits in (49×517)=18

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", "text": "
The number of digits in 49×517,when expressed in usual form, is - 
", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Nitin Sir" }, "answerCount": "4", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "
log(49×517)=log(49)+log(517)=log(22)9+log(517)=log(218)+log(517)=18log2+17log5=18log2+17(log10log2)=18log2+17log1017log2=log2+17log10=0.3010+17×1=17.3010characteristic=17,Hence, the number of digits in (49×517)=18
", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Nitin Sir" } }, "suggestedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "
log(49×517)=log(49)+log(517)=log(22)9+log(517)=log(218)+log(517)=18log2+17log5=18log2+17(log10log2)=18log2+17log1017log2=log2+17log10=0.3010+17×1=17.3010characteristic=17,Hence, the number of digits in (49×517)=18
", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM" } }