Direction : Two statements I and II are given. These statement may be either independent causes or may be effects of independent causes or a common cause. One of these statements may be the effect of the other statements. Read both the statements and decide which of the following answer choice correctly depicts the relationship between these two statements. Mark answer :

I. The literacy rate in the district has been increasing for the last four years.
II. The district administration has conducted extensive training programme for the workers involved in the literacy drive.

  • 1Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect
  • 2Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
  • 3Both the statements I and II are independent causes
  • 4Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes
Answer:- 1

Clearly, the increase in the literacy rate may be attributed directly to the stringent efforts of the district administration in this direction.

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