Statement : India today is midstream in its demographic transaction. In the last 60 years there has been an almost continuous decline in mortality; while fertility has declined over the last 20 years. The consequence is that there has been a rapid growth in population over the last 50 years.

Courses of Action :
I. India should immediately revitalise its family planning programme.
II. The Government should immediately launch a massive education programme through mass media highlighting the implication of population growth at the present rate.

  • 1Only I follows
  • 2Only II follows
  • 3Either I or II follows
  • 4Both I and II follow
Answer:- 1

Clearly, to face the problem of the ever-growing population, an effective family planning programme, for the people to have small families, is a must. Education shall further stress the advantages of having lesser number of children and the disasters of the fast growth in population. Thus, both the courses follow.

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