Directions: Read the passage given below and answer thequestions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option. Anaesthesia in any part of the body means a loss of sensation, either permanent of temporary. The term is usually used to describe the artificially produced loss of. 1. sensation which makes a surgical operation painless. There are four main types of anaesthesia: general, spinal, regional,and local. Anaesthetics may be given as gases, by 2. inhalation; or as druge injected into a vein. A patient given general anaesthesia loses consciousness. Anaesthesia of a fairly large are of the body results from injecting the anaesthetic drug intot he apinal canal: all 3. That portion of the body below the leavel at which the drug is injcted is anaesthetizd. Regional anaesthesia is the injecting of the nerves as they emerge from the spinal column : The anaesthesia induced by this  4. method affects only that area of the body supplied by those nerves. In local anaesthesia, the frug in injected directly at the site of the operative incision and sometimes also into the neardy surrounding tissues. 5. Formerly the most commonly used local anaesthetic was concaine, a drug extracted from the leaves of the coca bush and introduced in1879. But it has some disadvantages and, sometimes, undesirable. 6. Side-effects.For spinal, regional and local anaesthesia, procaine, or one of the several modifications of procaine, is now widely used instead of cocaine. For very limited and short operation, such as p opening a small abscess, 7. Local anaesthesia may be induced by spraying (rather than injecting), a chemical ethyl chloride, on a small area i=of the skin; in changing from the liquid to the gaseous state, this drug freezes the are sprayed, and 8. permits painless incision. The real purpose of using anasthetics is.

  • 1

    To perform operation without casing pain

  • 2

    to artificially produce loss of sensation

  • 3

    to cure patients of diseases

  • 4

    to make patients unconscious

Answer:- 1

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