Environmental Science - 04

01. The most harmful of ultraviolet radiations are

  • 1UV-C,
  • 2UV-B,
  • 3UV-A,
  • 4All the above.

02. Non-lonizing radiations with specific biological effects are

  • 1Gamma rays
  • 2Beta-rays
  • 3UV radiations
  • 4X-rays

03. Minute particles and liquid droplets are collectively called

  • 1Convection current
  • 2Ozone
  • 3UV radiation
  • 4Aerosols

04. Which of the following enhances soil fertility?

  • 1Crop rotation
  • 2Improved methods of agriculture
  • 3Using new seed varieties
  • 4Irrigation

05. Carbon dioxide is called green-house gas because it is

  • 1Transparent to sunlight but traps heat
  • 2Transparent to heat but traps sunlight
  • 3Used in green-house to increase plant growth
  • 4Transparent to both sunlight and heat

07. What is the most important factor for the success of animal population?

  • 1Natality
  • 2Adaptability
  • 3Unlimited food
  • 4Inter species activity

08. What is UNCED?

  • 1United Nations Conference on Education,
  • 2United Nations Conference on Environmental Day
  • 3United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
  • 4None of these

09. Noise is _______________

  • 1Huge sound
  • 2Sound of vehicles
  • 3Undesirable and unwanted sound
  • 4Sound of crackers

10. DDT is a ______________ pollutant

  • 1Bio degradable
  • 2Non bio degradable
  • 3Un-biodegradable
  • 4Naturally degradable
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