MS Excel -01

01. Excel uniquely identifies cells within a worksheet with a cell name

  • 1Cell names
  • 2Column numbers and row letters
  • 3Column letters and row numbers
  • 4Cell locator coordinates

02. The auto calculate feature

  • 1Can only add values in a range of cells
  • 2Provides a quick way to view the result of an arithmetic operation on a range of cells
  • 3Automatically creates formulas and adds them to a worksheet
  • 4A and c

03. You can use drag-and-drop to embed excel worksheet data in a word document

  • 1By dragging a range of excel data to the word button on the taskbar while pressing the Ctrl key
  • 2By dragging a range of excel data to the word button on the taskbar while pressing Shift key
  • 3By dragging a range of excel data to the word button on the taskbar while pressing Alt key
  • 4None of above

04. Data can be arranged in a worksheet in a easy to understand manner using

  • 1auto formatting
  • 2applying styles
  • 3changing fonts
  • 4all of above

05. A numeric value can be treated as a label value if it precedes with

  • 1Apostrophe (&lsquo
  • 2Exclamation (!)
  • 3Hash (#)
  • 4Ampersand (&

06. Tab scrolling button

  • 1Allow you to view a different worksheet
  • 2Allow you to view additional worksheet rows down
  • 3Allow you to view additional worksheet columns to the right
  • 4Allow you to view additional sheets tabs

08. A worksheet range is a

  • 1A command used for data modeling
  • 2A range of values such as from 23 to 234
  • 3A group of cells
  • 4A group of worksheets

09. The chart wizard term data series refers to

  • 1A chart legend
  • 2A collection of chart data markers
  • 3A set of values you plot in a chart
  • 4A data label

10. Which of the following is not an example of a value?

  • 1350
  • 2May 10, 2001
  • 30.57
  • 4Serial Number 50771
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